Wednesday 16 December 2015

Cranberry & Cocoa Cookies

Whether it be post-Thanksgiving or you have some spare cranberry sauce after a cheese and wine night, leftover cranberry sauce can be used for making cookies!

I had some leftover from last week and was browsing through recipes when I noticed this intriguing recipe, I had no choice but to make these! A lot less sugar than in the original recipe thanks to using a hot chocolate mix (vegan as it was dark Green & Blacks) along with carob fruit syrup - yay!

It requires cupboard staples, and make for a fantastic treat. I reckon they are quite christmassy too *smiles*

Cranberry & Cocoa Cookies
(Makes 10 medium ones, or 20 small ones)

1 1/2 cup flour (I used 1/2 cup flour and 1 cup oats)
1/2 cup cocoa (I used half hot chocolate powder, and half cocoa)
1/4 tsp salt
3/4 tsp bicarbonate of soda
1/2 cup cranberry sauce
3 tbsp oil
3 tbsp syrup (carob, agave, maple, or honey, the latter being non-vegan)
1 tsp vanilla extract

- Pre-heat the oven to 160C.

- Have the dry ingredients in a bowl, stir well until combined, and then add the remaining ingredients. Stir until you have a sticky dough.

- If making medium cookies, shape with two tablespoons, and set them on a baking paper-clad tray, if making smaller ones, use teaspoons.

- Repeat until you have 10 (or 20) cookies shaped up, and pop them in the oven! Bake for 15-17 minutes for the bigger ones, or 10 minutes for the smaller ones. They should be soft to the touch, but baked through.

- Allow to cool before serving, with a glass of milk or a glass of red - because these are super chocolatey!

Original source:

- Jules


  1. Cranberry sauce in cookies? I like that idea! Cranberry + chocolate sounds like a surprisingly good combo anyway, so I'd love to try these sometime :)

    1. I know, I was a bit skeptical at first too, but I had all the ingredients at hand, and they turned out deliciously soft and chocolatey! Perfect straight out of the oven with a glass of milk :) x

  2. Disse ser bare SÅ gode ut!! Var inne og kommenterte i går eller i dagen før, men har altså hatt så problem med å få kommentarer gjennom :( Så frustrerende!! Men siden den gikk gjennom på gulrotsuppen, prøver jeg igjen :)
    Veldig spennende miks av deilige smaker her. Høres nydelige ut<3

    1. Hei! Og takk for tilbakemelding nummer 2 for samme innlegget! Det må ha vært en feil på blogspot!
      Disse cookiesene ble myke og gode og helt fantastisk sjokoladete! :D Smakte ikke tranebærsausen i det hele tatt faktisk :) Håper du har en fortreffelig aften, skjønne du :) x
